mikron 71 fluorimeter

The smallest fluorescence detector for liquid chromatography with changeable light sources and filters for a number of substances

As a detector in the analytical laboratory or as one of many measurement channels in SMB systems in process chromatography and for other fluorimetric applications. High sensitivity by means of the exact regulation of the light source via the reference channel. A combination of excitation light source and emission filter can be achieved by various methods. One measuring cell.

Product advantages

Basic device


Design type Filter fluorimeter with LED light source
Sensitivity limit of detection 100 pmol/l (1)
dynamical range 105/103 (2)
noise < 0,1 % (3)
Signal sampling rate 1 ... 100 Hz
channels 1   with reference channel
Interfaces USB-C or RS-485 (data, energy)
Power electrical < 2.5 W ( < 500 mA at 5 V)
Dimensions Ø32 mm × 128 mm (1.25 × 5 in.)
weight 160 g   (5.6 oz.)
Protocol open, text-based
Drivers DataApex Clarity, SCPA PrepCon, LabView (4)
Markings CE, UKCA
(1) fluorescein in PBS, λ = 490/520 nm
(2) with/without switching the gain
(3) without gain
(4) All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Light sources and filter sets

Light source bandwidth 10 nm
accuracy ±2,5 nm
precision ±1 nm
Filter bandwidth 50 nm
Features automatic recognition
operating hours counter (LED)
Delivery programme substance excitation/emission
anthracene 340/450 nm
aflatoxin (5), NADH 360/450 nm
Alexa Fluor 350 (4) 360/450 nm
CFP 430/480 nm
fluorescein, GFP 490/520 nm
5-TAMRA 530/580 nm
(5) aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, M2
other wavelengths on enquiry

Measuring cell

analytical 9 µl

cuvette di = 1.2 mm
volume 9 µl
ports 1/4″-28 UNF
cell body PEEK
wetted fused silica
PEEK (8)
flow rate 1,000 ml/min
max. press. 5 bar (72 psi)
(8) also as USP class VI, TSE-free

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